» Download PDF Running a Bed and Breakfast For Dummies Mary White 9780470426821 Books
Chandra Tran on Monday, April 15, 2019
Download PDF Running a Bed and Breakfast For Dummies Mary White 9780470426821 Books
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51l0F2YHS8L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg Product details - Paperback 360 pages
- Publisher For Dummies; 1 edition (March 30, 2009)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0470426829
Running a Bed and Breakfast For Dummies Mary White 9780470426821 Books Reviews
- I enjoyed the book. The format is logical and the contents too. There's enough meat in this one to give you at least a glimpse of the mountain to climb when deciding to open your own b & b. A lot of the material alludes to the items you'll need to put together to start running your own checklist to get to the Grand Opening. Read this soon
- Not long ago I saw that Mary White, founder of [...], had written Running a Bed & Breakfast For Dummies. I was interested to see what Mary, an experienced marketer, and founder of one of the top bed and breakfast directories, would have to say.
With background of buying a b&b and operating it for four years, research from several books and an aspiring innkeeper class, and currently speaking at aspiring innkeeping classes on computer-related topics, I turned eagerly to read this book.
Running a Bed & Breakfast
In the familiar "Dummies" manner, the book uses cartoons (some very cute!) to introduce the parts of the book, and uses icons to flag tips, important information and warnings of danger. The book is organized into six parts
1. Inn the Beginning an outline of what a bed and breakfast is (and is not), potential marketing challenges, necessary social skills, and commitment, and a bit about the lifestyle change that a b&b brings.
2. Transitioning from Inn Goer to Inn Owner a discussion of professionals who can help, from inn consultants to accountants, and lawyers, creating a business plan and financial forecasts, along with a discussion of buying an existing inn versus starting a new inn from scratch.
3. Getting Ready for Guests setting up your record-keeping systems, choosing a property management system, setting rates and establishing policies, getting basic marketing in place, furnishing and decorating the inn, and even a few recipes to get things started.
4. Up and Running Day-to-Day Operations this section covers guest communications and taking reservations, basic hospitality (taking care of guests), handling problem guests, chores and maintenance, and getting help you need when you need it.
5. Taking It Beyond Breakfast and the Basics how to analyze your results and make future projections, concrete marketing steps to help you move forward, and keeping yourself fine-tuned.
6. The Part of Tens collections of tips for cleaning economies of time and money, and ideas for getting guests to return.
From even this brief outline of Running a Bed & Breakfast For Dummies you can see that Mary's book is a "soup to nuts" presentation. Not everyone (whether considering becoming an owner of a b&b, or already running a b&b) will find a need for every chapter, but nearly everyone will find value within its pages.
For the prospective owner, the first section may help with the decision to move ahead with the plan. Because running a bed and breakfast is to engage in a lifestyle totally different than the experience of most people, it is not for everyone. Mary helpfully presents the activities and personality of an innkeeper. If a reader honestly considers whether that describes them, they will be greatly helped in deciding whether this is a lifestyle they can be comfortable with.
One of the more helpful things found in Part I is the discussion of what a bed & breakfast is and what it is not. That may raise a smile, but there is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes a bed & breakfast. Consequently you find statements, like one found recently in a news article, that "technically [name omitted] is an inn, not a bed and breakfast." Excuse me? In this section Mary notes that often "inn", "bed and breakfast" and "country inn" can be used interchangeably, and then provides the definitions she will be using in the book. She also very helpfully points out that a B&B is not a cheap or second-rate lodging (despite often being a good value), it does not always mean a family-style breakfast, it does not mean sharing bathrooms, etc.
The second part, Transitioning from Inn Goer to Inn Owner, contains a great amount of practical advice about working with professionals, preparing a business plan and financial forecasts, and putting it all together. For the prospective innkeeper, this will help in evaluating the property as a business and not an emotional choice. For existing innkeepers, these are tasks that should have been done before starting out, but can (and should) be revisited as checklists to help keep you on track.
In speaking to aspiring innkeepers, the financial projections are the area they feel they need more information than almost any other. While many books or classes talk about the finances, Running a Bed & Breakfast For Dummies provides detailed information on the things to look for in the financial information, preparation of a business plan, etc.
The second part then divides into advice for those purchasing an inn, and those starting a new inn. Clearly these chapters are most relevant only for those interested in the specifics of each topic.
Getting Ready for Guests is another section with lots of practical information about record-keeping, rate-setting, policies, marketing, furnishing and decorating, and breakfast(!). This section is primarily intended for the aspiring innkeeper, but has some golden nuggets for the existing innkeeper, as well. For example, there is an excellent section discussing how to set rates, and the factors to consider when doing so.
As its title implies, Up and Running Day-to-Day Operations, contains material perhaps more suited to the new innkeeper, but, like the preceding section, also has many pointers that experienced innkeepers can take to heart.
Part V is suitable for anyone. Indeed, perhaps it is more suitable for the experienced innkeeper, because it assumes that the basics have been mastered, the inn is operational, and it is time to "take it to the next level." Mary provides details for tracking results and comparing them to expectations, adjusting expenses to increase profits, dealing with issues of guest satisfaction, keeping yourself from burning out, and making decisions for the future (including growing the business, increasing profit by various means, and buying another inn). Some of the marketing ideas in this part would be valuable for any innkeeper.
The final part contains two chapters. The first is a list of cleaning hints to save money and make cleaning easier and more effective. The second is a list of examples of ways to provide guests with that service that is the particular domain of the bed and breakfast hospitality!
Final Thoughts
When considering a new venture, such as the purchase of a bed & breakfast, most will do some research, looking for books on the topic, and seeking help from knowledgeable sources. Running a Bed & Breakfast For Dummies should be one of those sources. The treatment is thorough and professional. Mary White provides the benefit of her years of experience working with the bed & breakfast industry to provide information that can be put to work immediately. Where she lacks personal experience, Mary has obtained advice from multiple sources in the industry and presents the best practices which she has gathered from them.
For the experienced innkeeper Running a Bed & Breakfast For Dummies provides a way of validating operational decisions, and the opportunity to re-evaluate choices, to see if changes can be made to improve the level of service, grow the business, and prepare for the future. - It was extremely helpful! I feel that reading it- which was a hefty read, but covered almost everything I think I'll need someday- has prepared me to consider what I need and how I can do it. I love the tips and warnings bullets within the text to bring important points to the reader's attention. I also like the recipes but wish there were some more personal hints and stories within. It is essential if you want to design or run your own B&B.
- This book is easy to read, interesting and full of practical advice for anyone considering operating a bed and breakfast. The author presents issues for the reader to consider before taking the plunge into owning a B&B from both a personal and a financial point of view. There are practical tips from setting up accounting to how-to get stains out of carpet. I've found the book so helpful that I've tabbed my chapters for easy reference. I highly recommend reading this book!
- A great overview and after reading- skimming it you will know if running a B & B is for you.
- My husband is thinking this may be his second career... so I got him some light summer reading to contemplate his choices. This seems to touch on most of the topics to give him a taste of what he would need to know / do.
- This is essential reading, along with our THE BREAD IS IN THE BED; How to Make More Money as a B&B Innkeeper for ANY prospective B&B owners.
We learned the hard way, and only wished these books were available BEFORE we bought our inn! Sure, you'll learn one way or the other, but innkeeping is hard enough to try to tackle every subject as it comes along. Take advantage of innkeeping veterans willing to share great advice.
B&B for Dummies outlines an incredible array of subjects facing the new innkeeper. Chapter 4 is a lengthy treatise on everything you need to consider before buying an existing inn, and Chapter 5 tells you the considerations for starting your business from scratch. Both are incredibly valuable depending on your situation, but here is where the book (by design) stops short of giving advice.
There are 18 Chapters jam packed with information,from zoning considerations to furnishing to record keeping to maintenance to staffing to marketing and even to some tasty breakfast recipes. It's a true compendium that you will keep referring to on your innkeepers bookshelf long after you buy your property.
The Dummies book is limited to outlining the massive number of OPTIONS, but doesn't actually offer OPINIONS. That's where The Bread is in The Bed comes in. It tells you WHICH of these considerations is the most important to the new innkeeper, and why. For example, should I buy a B&B or a Country inn? Why? Which is more important - Facebook or French Toast?
Another quick example of why you need both books is illustrated in Chapter 2 Analyzing What Brings Guests to the Area. Dummies gives you over FIFTY nearby attractions that could bring you guests. Here are a few Churches, Amusement Parks, Art fairs, Fine Dining, Winter Sports, Historic Sites, Film Festivals, Beaches, Concerts, Covered Bridges, Gardens, Biking.
All these sound pretty reasonable, right?
Umm, no. Three-quarters of these spell DEATH to your inn business. If you don't intuitively know which of these are winners and which are losers, then you need The Bread is in The Bed to tell you which ones to focus on and WHY. See what I mean about options vs opinions? After reading Bread Bed you will instinctively know which of the fifty items to cross out and which to focus on.
Okay, maybe death was a bit dramatic. But you need to know what works in the REAL WORLD after you know the extraordinary amount of crap that the the real world will throw at you. Which of these can you build a successful business around? (Hint, three, possibly four of the twelve).
After 15 years of innkeeping, we have earned a certain amount of street cred. I'm telling you that if you actually buy a B&B or Inn without reading these books, it would have been be less painful just to get out your revolver and shoot yourself in the foot. Just sayin'.
Happy innkeeping! It can be a wonderful life. It will be a heck of a lot easier if you start it with your eyes wide open and know what might possibly come along. Forewarned is forearmed, and that is why you absolutely must read Running a Bed & Breakfast for Dummies and The Bread is in The Bed. These books are a financial afterthought compared to the huge dollar and emotional investment of the innkeeping world!
(Update 5/9/13 - I forgot to mention that Bread Bed is our book. I thought that would be apparent since all my reviews use my real name, but in case it isn't, you should know that this might, oh, I don't know, influence my thinking.) - My husband asked for it for our anniversary. He hasn't stopped reading it and reviewing the different topics. Highly recommend