» Read Online Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of the Christ DM Murdock Acharya S Robert M Price 9780979963100 Books
Chandra Tran on Monday, April 15, 2019
Read Online Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of the Christ DM Murdock Acharya S Robert M Price 9780979963100 Books
Product details - Paperback 296 pages
- Publisher Stellar House Publishing, LLC (November 28, 2007)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0979963109

Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of the Christ DM Murdock Acharya S Robert M Price 9780979963100 Books Reviews
- Christian scholars have made careers being apologists for the Christian faith. This book reveals that they may in fact own their readers an apology.
I think the title may mislead some. The book isn't about discovering who the real Jesus was, and it certainly has nothing to do with the Templar Knights or whether or not Jesus was married. It's a critical analysis of the gosples, and the dogmatic belief held by many christians that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, which was written by eye witnesses.
The author, who is fluent in Ancient Greek herself, and an expert in ancient mythology, draws from the research of several biblical scholars, including Christian sources.
For being such a short, easy to read book, she does an incredible job and laying out both sides of the argument. I came away with a better understanding of exactly what source materials biblical scholars actually have to go on, and the methods by which they've approximated their dates.
No one will miss the point that Murdock doesn't believe the gospel accounts are history, but it's not presented in a rash or deliberately abrasive manner.
Though this book is a great resource for those who may choose to engage a fundamentalist christian in a debate, I believe her target audience for this book was actually Christians. She avoids for example, attacking Christianity on the grounds that it proposes donkeys can talk, people can fly up into outer space, and that loving God will fry you for eternity for not believing he committed a human sacrifice to himself. But rather, she pose questions like, if zombies really rose from the dead and walked around town, why didn't anyone record it? If King Herod knew the precise location of the infant Jesus, why did he need to have every young male in Bethlehem killed? Why does Jesus suggest that men castrate themselves?
If you have a christian friend of family member who tries to pressure you from time to time to convert to their faith, ask them to read this book in exchange for going to church with them a few times. - Who Was Jesus Fingerprints of the Christ is a scholarly work of textual and historical criticism that is extremely well written. The author does not overstate her case and does not make assertions that are not fully supported by clearly explained arguments.
She takes the four gospels of the New Testament as her primary focus of the first section of the book, taking each gospel in turn and then comparing them to show how they agree and disagree. She shows a great amount of authority and does in fact cite the opinions of evangelical scholars as well as secular scholars. Her thesis for this is that the texts are not consistent and coherent but she never takes this claim further than her textual evidence allows.
The examination of the historicity of Jesus and a summary of the contemporary Roman histories was also quite thorough. The exhaustive thoroughness of every part of this book and the rigor of her rhetorical style--always precise, exact, and never accusatory--make the text all that much stronger.
For all Christians who believe that the Bible is an entirely consistant, perfect and divinely inspired book, or that we have perfect transmissions and good translations, they must read this book. The author stays very close to the Bible itself, going line by line through the gospels and bring to bear significant amounts of research, but in later sections of the book she examines the history of the creation of the Bible and the formation of what we know of Jesus through the survivine manuscripts (and those that did not survive).
I recommend this book to believers and nonbelievers alike. This is the critical look at the Bible that all Christians need to take. Without a book such as this, they do not understand their own religion and its text. I have read and reread sectons of this book several times and have also used it as a jumping off point for further research. Even if you hold views contrary to the author's, you annot deny that she has written a scholarly, well crafted and persuasive investigation of the gospels and the story of Jesus. - Others have claimed that Jesus is a fictional character. This author pounds nail after nail into the idea that Jesus was a real miracle-working Savior. Further, she argues that the New Testament is a patchwork of stories based around prophecies and predictions culled from the Old Testament. As the concept goes of painting a target around an arrow already stuck in a fence, numerous writers started with the prophecy and invented a Jesus with a miracle around it.
This book is not for the die-hard fundamentalist Christian, unless he or she can stand the glare of exposed myths. - Another excellent work from the stable D.M. Murdock, aka.... Acharya S.
All you wanted to know about Jesus Christ but were afraid to ask.
This will help if you're a Christian, all is not lost. There's still hope for this world, but more importantly there's hope for you. The world will go on regardless.
Freedom can be scary but when you expose fear to the truth it's like turning on the light to confirm there's nothing there after all. Remember when you were a child the comfort the light could bring. Get that feeling again as an adult without the photons.
There would few authors in on this planet who have spent the time and effort to explore the origins of religions as D.M. Murdock. A huge body of work backed up by years of human endeavour and expertise over centuries by many, uncovering the believable truth which has been collated into her many books. Do yourself the honour, read them all as I have done.
How this universe and you came into existence would be thankful to D.M. Murdock (Acharya S) for her part in exposing the pathetic nonsense being used to explain this awesome event to date. Give your creation some real credit and break free of somebody else's poor version of creation and as an added bonus and yes, you will still be a great person. - Well written and goes into incredible detail on the subject.