PDF Trial Heirs Famous Fortune Fights! And what you can learn from celebrity errors 2nd edition edition by Andrew Mayoras Danielle Mayoras Professional Technical eBooks

UPDATED SECOND EDITION. The highly publicized estate battles of celebrities cast a bright spotlight on the importance of having the proper estate planning. You'll have a front row seat in the courtroom while Trial and Heirs Famous Fortune Fights! replays the "tabloid drama" and points out what went wrong in these riveting cases. Legacy Expert Attorneys Andrew W. Mayoras and Danielle B. Mayoras are your guides - with research and court records in one hand, and juicy celebrity stories in the other. These include Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Princess Di, Anna Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger, Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Sinatra, Martin Luther King Jr., Brooke Astor, Rosa Parks... and many others!This easy-to-follow guide is complete with Tips to Avoid a Family Fight and Ideas to Spark Family Discussion.The tips alone could save you thousands (or more!) in legal fees. Discover how to steer clear of the same celebrity estate "errors" as you protect yourself and your "heirs."The book offers practical advice to* Protect your family with a proper estate plan* Start productive family discussions with parents and loved ones* Protect your rights if you have a loved one who is aging or has passed away and you're concerned about being treated fairly* Navigate through difficult and emotional family fights that can result when the proper planning wasn't done* Safeguard the true wishes of a mature loved one in case someone attempts to take advantage of them* Protect yourself and your family when there are questions about the right way to administer an estate or trust* Ensure that your wishes and the wishes of your loved ones are protected* Find a good estate planning and/or probate attorneyFor more information visit http//TrialAndHeirs.com/
PDF Trial Heirs Famous Fortune Fights! And what you can learn from celebrity errors 2nd edition edition by Andrew Mayoras Danielle Mayoras Professional Technical eBooks
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Tags : Buy Trial Heirs Famous Fortune Fights! ... And what you can learn from celebrity errors (2nd edition) Read 17 Reviews - ,ebook,Andrew Mayoras, Danielle Mayoras,Trial Heirs Famous Fortune Fights! ... And what you can learn from celebrity errors (2nd edition),Wise Circle Books,Law / Estates Trusts,Law / Wills
Trial Heirs Famous Fortune Fights! And what you can learn from celebrity errors 2nd edition edition by Andrew Mayoras Danielle Mayoras Professional Technical eBooks Reviews :
Trial Heirs Famous Fortune Fights! And what you can learn from celebrity errors 2nd edition edition by Andrew Mayoras Danielle Mayoras Professional Technical eBooks Reviews
- My mother and her sister were/are going through an ugly dispute over how my grandmother's estate has been handled. One sister seems more concerned about preserving $ for her family rather than my grandmother's care since she's still alive (and it's not my mother). Had the estate been set up properly (and not by my aunt's husband), maybe their relationship wouldn't be irreparably damaged.
I assumed my parents had a trust. Then one day I casually asked about it even though I read this book a few years ago and knew I should've addressed it earlier. To my surprise they only had a will. My intelligent, stubborn and know-it-all father said he wanted easy access to his money and a trust wouldn't work. Well, all my inexpert advice wouldn't sway him. I sent the book to my parents and after they both read it, an appointment was set up with their attorney to get things set up properly. If a book can convince my father, then it must be superb. Personally I don't care about what I can get when they pass away. I just figure if someone's going to set up a will to supposedly make things easier on their heirs, they might as well create a trust and really make things less of a hassle. Any book that can convince my father gets 5 stars. - More legal advice than stories of rich and famous. The little stories are only used at the beginning and end of each chapter as examples of legal information. Kinda feels like a large advertisement for getting your trust or will set up (which is a good idea). However I was looking for interesting stories to read.
- bought it just to read the "gossip". quick read.
- Loved this book, I've been wanting to read it for years but was waiting for it on kindle (so far it's not). It was worth reading in paperback; everything I thought it would be! very interesting.
- Thank You!
- Blow by blow screwups from the "Rich and Infamous" families NOT doing their estate planning.
Not a dry book! Interesting and educational! - Entertaining, understandable, and a must read for anyone interested in planning for their own estate. You will gain ideas and ask more questions regarding your estate plan. You will be more prepared when you discuss your planning with your legal team.
- Practical and in plain English